Focus on your Recovery

NCC Path to Recovery

We could talk all day, maybe even for several days, about narcissistic behaviour and the negative impact that it has on many of us.  It’s definitely important to be well-educated about the subject.  At the end of the day, though, a focus on our personal recovery needs to be the priority.  Understand the negative and dysfunctional behaviour (these are broken, dysfunctional people), learn that it doesn’t and never did have anything to do with you, and then focus on recovery from the pain and damage it may have caused you.

There are so many ways to journey to healing.  Future posts will include information on the many options.

In the meantime, if you’ve realized that you are being or have been abused by a narcissist, start thinking about YOU and your wellbeing.  It will most likely feel like unfamiliar territory at the start because narcissists, as mentioned in my last post, are time thieves and they are usually quite demanding of the time and attention of the people around them.  But once you slowly begin to shift the focus back to yourself by means of self-care, self-love and a desire for healing, it will become easier to begin rediscovering yourself, your needs, your goals and your peace.

You deserve to heal and live your own life.  That begins with focusing on your recovery.  Reach out to me at if you are looking for affordable short-term or long-term support with this process.

Heather ~ Natural Clarity Coaching  Check out the Natural Clarity Coaching pages on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

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